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Every year hundreds of thousands of young people are diagnosed with HIV. Risk factors such as lack of adequate sex education, poverty, and gender inequality place young people at increased risk of infection. If we ever hope to end this epidemic, we must do everything we can to protect young people from HIV.

What is HIV?
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) attacks the immune system and weakens its ability to fight of infections.

What is AIDS?
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by HIV and represents the final stages of HIV infection, when your body can no longer fight life-threatening infections. For most people, early diagnosis and effective treatment stops HIV developing into AIDS.

How do you get HIV?
HIV is found in the bodily fluids of an infected person (eg, blood, vaginal and anal fluids, semen, and breast milk). The virus is fragile and doesn’t survive for long outside of the body.

HIV is NOT transmitted through saliva, sweat, or urine—so you CANNOT get HIV through everyday social contact such as kissing, hugging, touching, sneezing, coughing, playing sports, sharing eating utensils, or sharing a bathroom with a person who is infected.

The most common way of getting HIV is through unprotected vaginal or anal sex.

Other ways of getting HIV include:

·        Using contaminated needles, syringes, or other injecting equipment.
·        Transmission from mother with HIV to baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breast feeding
·        Sharing sex toys with someone infected with HIV.
·        Health care workers accidentally pricking themselves with a contaminated needle.
·        Blood transfusion from a HIV-positive donor to a HIV-negative recipient.

A person living with HIV can also get re-infected with a different strain of HIV.

How do you prevent HIV?
Using a condom (or a female condom) correctly reduces the risk of HIV transmission and unplanned pregnancies because it stops contact with bodily fluids during sex.

Using lube can enhance sexual pleasure and also reduces risk of vaginal and anal tears caused by dryness (only use water-based lube! Oil-based lubes weaken latex condoms, which can result in breaks/tears).

Remaining faithful to one partner, once you have tested together and know each other’s status also reduces the risk of infection.

If you inject drugs, don’t share needles or syringes or other injecting equipment like spoons and swabs.

For men, circumcision has been shown to reduce risk of HIV infection through vaginal sex by 60%. But it’s important not to forget that you to still have to wear a condom to protect yourself and your partner.

Choosing not to have sex is also an option. It doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time or be intimate, but it does mean that you are avoiding any chance of becoming infected with the HIV virus.

Can HIV be treated?
Yes. Early diagnosis and effective treatment ensure that most people living with HIV will not develop AIDS and will live a long and healthy life. However, treatments do not cure HIV.

How do I get tested for HIV?
Some people living with HIV have no signs or symptoms for many years, so it’s important to get tested regularly so you know your status. You might want to seriously think about taking a test if you’ve:

·        Started a new relationship.
·        Had sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral, or anal) without a condom.
·        Learned that your partner was not monogamous (had sex with another partner)
·        Been sexually assaulted.
·        Had a condom break during sex.
·        Shared needles or syringes, or found out that a partner has shared needles.
·        Had multiple sexual partners.
·        Discovered that a partner has been exposed to HIV or learned that a past or current partner is HIV-positive.
·        Had a recent diagnosis of another sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Tests can be provided in health clinics, doctors’ surgeries or specialist HIV/AIDS voluntary counselling and testing sites, by a doctor, trained counsellor, nurse or other health professional.

Click here to see how quick and easy it is to get tested. For more information about HIV tests and their results, click here. 

What are the symptoms of HIV infection?
Some people display mild, temporary flu-like symptoms or swollen glands shortly after they’ve been infected with HIV. Even if you don’t experience these symptoms it is important to get tested and be sure of your HIV status, as well as to check for any other STIs.

Can HIV be cured?
No, but it can be easily treated (see Can HIV be treated?).

Help! My Condom Broke
Don’t panic! If a condom breaks while you are having sex, stop and carefully pull out or have your partner pull out. It’s important to talk to your partner about what’s happened.
Discuss when and if you have been tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI). Have an honest talk about how careful you have been in the past and if there is any risk that either of you may be HIV positive or have another STI.
Even if you think you and your partner are safe, go to a sexual health clinic or health practitioner to enquire about testing options.
Women should remember a broken condom themselves at risk of pregnancy too and should seek advice on unplanned pregnancies.              


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