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No Hassles Just Invest And Watch It Grow Monthly

What is MMM?

MMM is a community of people, voluntarily providing financial assistance to each other. MMM is not a bank, MMM does not collect members MONEY, MMM is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program. There is no central bank account where all the funds are kept and where it can be easily stolen. Funds are distributed amongst the participants themselves, directly into members’ accounts. Participants transfer Naira (BITCOINS) directly to each other, without middle man involved. MMM only regulates the process and nothing more.

The ideology of MMM
MMM ideology is to change the global unjust financial system. MMM aim is to create future global financial fairness, across the various communities and society in general. MMM wants to ensure that there is global financial balance and fairness, it wants to ensure that each person is able to afford the basic needs such as food, education, shelter etc etc. MMM vision is not to create millionaire and billionaire but to ensure that the basic human rights needs are met. It wants to build a future where there will be no slaves and no masters and where everyone will work for pleasure and for the benefit of society not to be slaves of the rich people. MMM wants to create
better world for all, better future, where people will be financially equal. Where there will be no slaves and masters.

Currently the world financial system is unjust. There is a huge financial inequality amongst societies. There is a huge gap between the poor and the rich. Rich people continue to get richer and richer while poor people are getting poorer. Poor people are getting deep in debts as the cost of living is higher than what they earn. Some poor people live with less than $1 per day. As MMM community we want to change this culture. We want to create fairness and balance across the society.
Banks, mining bosses, companies etc continues to make more money at the expense of the poor. In the mining sector, miners sweat day and night digging minerals underground, they get injured daily some loses their life’s under group due to the nature of this business, however with all these hardships, those miners are under paid and the mining bosses some of whom have never been under group even a single day are the ones getting fat pay cheques. MMM is here to change all these.

Banks loan poor people money and make us (the poor people) to pay 5 times the loaned amount (with huge interests’ rates). They brained washed us by saying, the highest interest rate we can get on our investment is 6% per annum. They use same money we invested with them in various
stock markets, they will then make more money with our investments to enrich themselves. At the end of it, they also make sure they pay us low interest rate to ensure that we remain poor. They are capitalists and monopolists. They are greedy.
How will MMM change this injustice?
How will MMM change this injustice

MMM is to change the injustice created by capitalists. As MMM community members we want to change the financial imbalances. As a community, we want to work together towards common goal and abolish the current unjust financial system. We want to ensure that neither of our community members borrows money from the banks. In MMM we help each other, as a member you help those who need help and at a later state you will also be helped in time of need. We want to ensure that poor people, pensioners, disabled people, fatherless kids, orphans, unemployed people and so forth are able to live better each day and afford the basic needs. We want to create a future where there will be no slaves and masters, where people will work

How does it work?
• It’s not a central bank, it’s a mutual community fund entirely driven by its members.
• In MMM each member provides financial help to those who need it and at a later stage such member will also receive help when needed.
• Help is provided and received through BITCOINS and banks globally.
• The marvos growth rates of 30% monthly.
• Members may provide help ranging from NGN1000 naira to any amount.

In summary, MMM provide a platform to its participants to help each other, We basically "Provide Help" (PO) and "Get Help" (GH) and the amount you provide help with will grow at 30% per month - How, When you indicate interest to Provide Help let's say #10,000 a participant will be assign to u to send the money to, after 1 month, your #10,000 will have grown to #13.000 (#10,000 + #3000 (30% of #10,000)) and u too will be able to Get Help of #13,000 (130%).

Mmm break down
You see... Mmm is not an Mlm business, its not a hyip, a company, an investment, or financial institution.
MMM is a mutual network, where people provide money (help) directly to each other in automatic private offices via internet with growing help index called Mavro.
The power/reward of giving lets you receive 30% growth rate monthly on the amount you donated to a participant in the community.

MMM is 5 years plus globally and has over 240 million participants in 118 countries.
So basically this makes us the largest financial donation exchange in the world.

*This is how it works*
So let's say for instance you provide help of 100k today, at the end of the month you are entitled to earn your 100k + your 30% which makes it = 130 thousand naira collectable at the end of the month. In Mmm there is no such thing as a central account where people deposit money into!

All transactions are done peer to peer between members directly to their bank accounts.
Mmm Nigeria was launched last year November and currently we are over 24,000 + members.
The *IDEOLOGY* behind Mmm is to make the exchange of money fairer between people and also to create a world of financial freedom where people can assist themselves to carry out projects or meet their needs without having to rely on financial institutions who in turn demand immongus interests.
The aim and mission statement here is "Financial Apocalypse" why because the world's financial system is built and structured to favour the fortunate few.

In Mmm it is not a must to refer before you can earn! But if you do refer, you will earn 10% referal bonus on what your referrals provide as help.
The question is where does the 30% comes from since Mmm does not collect our monies.?
Good, the 30% comes from us the participants! How? Through regular provide help (Ph) and Get help (Gh) plus inflow of new members.

So why does Mmm have to rely on this? Well, as we all know no business on earth can sell off an empty shelf, so the way a business so rely on sales to pay off expenses, staffs etc that is the same way the Ph + Gh and inflow of new members are so vital and quintessential to Mmm as a community.
*They are the oil that lubricates the mechanism (Mmm)
Funny enough this is how the financial institutions operate but theirs is centralized why here in Mmm it is decentralized simply for the people to enjoy!

The best and only thing i can say is MMM has helped my life!
And I'm very much ready to help others see an extra source that will suppress their financial struggles.

Together we will change this world.!!
This is a community of ordinary people, selflessly helping each other, a kind of the Global Fund of mutual aid. This is the first sprout of something new in modern soulless and ruthless world of greed and hard cash. The goal here is not the money. The goal is to destroy the world's unjust financial system.

Interested persons register with this link
For further enquirers call: 07031633709.


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