1. Don't expose your wife's weaknesses to your family and friends. You are each other's keeper.(Eph 5v12) 2. Never use attit udes and moods to communicate to your wife, you never know how she may interpret them.(Prov 15v13) 3. Never compare your wife with other women, you've no idea what their life is all about. 4. Never forget you married her, She is your wife not your maid. treat her like a Queen and she will show the world you are a king, and u will reign in her life till Jesus come (Gen 2v24) 5. Never assign anyone to give attention to your wife, people may do everything else for her, but she is your personal responsibility.(Eph 5v33) 6. Never blame your wife in public even if she was wrong. Rather protect her, encourage her and correct her in private and she will never forget you...