No Hassles Just Invest And Watch It Grow Monthly What is MMM? MMM is a community of people, voluntarily providing financial assistance to each other. MMM is not a bank, MMM does not collect members MONEY, MMM is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program. There is no central bank account where all the funds are kept and where it can be easily stolen. Funds are distributed amongst the participants themselves, directly into members’ accounts. Participants transfer Naira (BITCOINS) directly to each other, without middle man involved. MMM only regulates the process and nothing more. The ideology of MMM MMM ideology is to change the global unjust financial system. MMM aim is to create future global financial fairness, across the various communities and society in general. MMM wants to ensure that there is global financial balance and fairness, it wants to ensure that each person is able to afford the basic needs such as food, education, shelter etc etc. MM...